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OpenEU Ambassador Criticises Zim Govt For Failure To Implement Political Reforms

European Union Head of Delegation to Zimbabwe, Timo Alkonnen, said that Zimbabwe’s prosperity is being held back by its failure to respect democratic principles.
Olkonnen was speaking at the launch of a project funded by the western countries in Harare on Wednesday. He said:
Zimbabwe is full of potential for economic growth and prosperity for its citizens, however, something is holding back the country from unlocking this potential.
You cannot separate the economy from the political sphere. There is a need to respect the democratic principles that underpin a developmental state.
On Thursday, the EU envoy spoke out against the harassment of trade union leaders, Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) president Peter Mutasa and secretary-general Japhet Moyo who recently received death threats from unknown people. Sai Olkonnen:
Needless to say, I condemn with the strongest possible the physical assaults and threats against union leaders.
More: NewZimbabwe.com