
Stop Associating With Development Initiatives Being Spearheaded By Zivhu - Masvingo Zanu PF Villagers Told

Stop Associating With Development Initiatives Being Spearheaded By Zivhu - Masvingo Zanu PF Villagers Told

In a move that may look like Zanu Pf is sealing Killer Zivhu’s fate, villagers gathered at Madzivire School in Ngundu were yesterday told not to associate themselves with initiatives spearheaded by the embattled MP. According to Newsday, participants of the meeting were told to prepare for a by-election to replace the Chivi South Legislator.

According to people who  spoke to the publication:

They claimed that Zivhu’s fate was sealed during a meeting they held at President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s farm in Kwekwe where it was agreed that all MPs suspected to have been associated with the G40 faction will be fired

Ordinary villagers were warned that they will not receive food aid if seen working with the MP, while civil servants risked being transferred. Traditional leaders and councillors were also warned that their positions were at risk for working with the current MP

Zanu PF leadership in Masvingo Province suspended Killer Zivhu after he called for a dialogue between ED and Chamisa to end the economic crisis ravaging the country. Zivhu’s lawyer has, however, said, that kind of politics was left in the old dispensation and some Zanu PF Members don’t realise it:

They should wake up and smell the coffee. It’s now the new dispensation, whose underpinning ethos are legality, constitutionalism, progress and development. They have jumped the gun!

More: Newsday

