
ZESA Funded ZANU-PF Party Activities Without Board Approval - Report

ZESA Funded ZANU-PF Party Activities Without Board Approval - Report

ZESA reportedly funded Zanu PF Party activities without board approval, Team Pachedu claims. The matter came to light on Twitter where Team Pachedu wrote:

Did you know? ZESA funded ZANU-PF party activities without board approval, but by just verbal approvement of the CEO & the Energy Minister. “In as much as it is morally wrong to donate cash to ZANU-PF, I couldn’t say no.” – ZESA CEO Tikunzwei muchiti masanctions nywe nywe!

Their Tweet comes at a time where sanctions must fall calls intensify with 25 October being set aside as anti-sanctions day. ZESA has also been failing to meet its supply obligations to Zimbabwe citing a myriad of reasons.

More: Team Pachedu Twitter
