
"Dress Codes Could Reduce S_xual Harassment At Universities", ZGC Official

"Dress Codes Could Reduce S_xual Harassment At Universities", ZGC Official

A Zimbabwe Gender Commission (ZGC) official has urged tertiary institutions to introduce a dress code for female students to reduce cases of s_xual harassment.

ZGC legal and investigations manager Delis Mazambane made the appeal during a s_xual harassment public lecture held at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) on Tuesday. She said:

To make life easier for the lecturer the university needs to have a dress code policy, of course, the constitution talks about freedom of expression but institutions are allowed to cascade such provisions to their own needs.

During the weekend, the students can then wear whatever they want but when attending lectures, they need to be guided on how to dress and this makes it easier for lecturers to pinpoint that according to the university’s policy you are not dressed appropriately.

Mazambane argued that universities and colleges should follow judicial courts which have dress codes and do not allow members of the public to enter the premises if dressed contrary to the code.

A report claims that over 70 per cent of university students are reportedly being s_xually harassed by lecturers in tertiary institutions, because of poverty or to get better grades.

Also Read: Gender Commission Denies Recommending Dress Code Policy

More: CITE
