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Some Government Officials Holding Onto Nikuv So That They Can Get Kickbacks Through Inflating Prices Of Consumables - Report

5 years agoWed, 30 Oct 2019 13:04:28 GMT
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Some Government Officials Holding Onto Nikuv So That They Can Get Kickbacks Through Inflating Prices Of Consumables - Report

The Israeli Company that was fingered in rigging elections in 2013 by popular social media figure Baba Jukwa is at the centre of the passport storm that is blanketing the country rendering thousands of Zimbabweans stuck without a passport Zim Morning post reports.

NiKuv is said to have been contracted to buy consumables on behalf of the government and produce the passports during the Robert Mugabe era. Some government officials however now want the contract terminated but some officials are fighting in Nikuv’s camp because they are getting kickbacks from inflating consumables used to produce the travel documents.

A source that spoke to the publication said:

The current deal is such that Nikuv is a facilitator for the purchase of consumables. Government can cut out the middleman by awarding a contract to a company which has the capacity to provide the service

The biggest hurdle is individuals coalescing around the permanent secretary. They are holding onto Nikuv taking advantage of the process which is open to manipulation through inflating prices of consumables and receiving kick-backs.

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More: ZimMorning Post 




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