
Former Minister Divorces Wife Of 24 Years

Former Minister Divorces Wife Of 24 Years

Rebecca Matangaidze (nee Chimbera) has filed to divorce his husband, Tapiwa Matangaidze, claiming that the marriage has irretrievably broken down.

The two, who have been married for 24 years, have come up with a consent paper, but the court had raised a query regarding the sale of their matrimonial house and use of their farm.

The estranged couple had already agreed that Rebecca will be awarded custody of their two minor children and that Matangaidze will have access to the children on alternative holidays, weekends and on special occasions.

The Daily News furthers reports that Matangaidze will contribute towards the maintenance of the two children in the sum of $500 per month for each child and $500 towards Rebecca’s maintenance.

More: Daily News
