
ZRP Sanction Civil Servants' Salary Demo

ZRP Sanction Civil Servants' Salary Demo

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) have given public sector workers permission to march against unsustainable salaries on Wednesday.

In a notice written to the Apex Council of public sector unions, Police Commander for Harare Central District, Oscar Mugomeri warned against a violent demonstration saying that they have a right to stop it. The letter read in part:

The regulating authority still reserves the right to stop the gathering should it turn out to a public order threat or violent. Police will monitor.

Meanwhile, the government has invited the Apex Council to a meeting that will be held this Tuesday to give feedback on unions’ demand for workers to be paid U.S. dollar-indexed salaries, the union said.

Workers say that they are now incapacitated to execute their duties and responsibilities as their salaries have been eroded by inflation.

More: ZBC News
