
Mtata Urges Churches To Speak Against Gender-based Violence

Mtata Urges Churches To Speak Against Gender-based Violence

Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations (ZHOCD) secretary-general Kenneth Mtata has called upon the church to speak out against gender-based violence (GBV).

Addressing key stakeholders at the launch of the “Speak Out Campaign” held in Harare on Wednesday, Mtata said:

The reason why the Church must address violence in all its forms is that we know that violence begets violence.

Gender-based violence has become a permanent signature in our public life and if are going to arrest the power of violence in our families, we need to start to speak the message of peace and to build arms of peace.

The launch of the “Speak Out Campaign” brought together hundreds of congregants and development partners ahead of the annual 16 Days of Activism against GBV commemorated between November 25 and December 10.

Mtata showed how GBV is sometimes upheld in workplaces and urged Christians to help victims find justice when everything else has failed.

More: Daily News
