
Thousands Of Wild Animals To Be Relocated

Thousands Of Wild Animals To Be Relocated

The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZimParks) has granted permits for the relocation of 600 elephants from Save Valley Conservancy to three national parks at a cost of US$3 million.

2 000 impalas, 50 buffaloes, 40 giraffes, a pack of wild dogs and two prides of lions are also to be translocated. Speaking to The Herald on Monday, ZimParks spokesman Tinashe Farawo said:

The elephants and other animals are set to be translocated to Chizarira National Park (in Gokwe), Sapi National Park (a private game park in Mashonaland West near Mana Pools) and Mavuradonha Wilderness Safari Area (a private game park in Mashonaland Central).

Farawo said that the reason why the animals are being moved away from Save Valley Conservancy is that they have exceeded their ecological carrying capacity.

The Hwange National Park is also under threat as it now has 53 000 elephants while it should handle 14 700 jumbos.

More: The Herald
