
Zanu-PF Convenes Politburo Meeting Tomorrow Amidst Socio-Economic Crises

Zanu-PF Convenes Politburo Meeting Tomorrow Amidst Socio-Economic Crises

Zanu-PF Secretary for Information and Publicity Cde Simon Khaya Moyo has said that the ruling party will convene its Ordinary Session of the Politburo this Wednesday at the party headquarters.

In a statement, Moyo said that all members should be seated by exactly 0945 hours. He said:

The Secretary for Administration Cde Dr Obert Mpofu wishes to advise all members that there shall be a Politburo meeting to be held on Wednesday 13 November 2019 at the Party Headquarters commencing 1000 hours.

The Herald reports that the Politburo is expected to discuss preparations of the party’s National Annual People’s conference to be held in Goromonzi, Mashonaland East, the fate of former Minister of Environment and Tourism Prisca Mupfumira among other issues.

The meeting comes when the country is facing a huge power deficit due to faults at Hwange Power Station. It also comes when the health sector is grounded due to inadequacy of equipment and the situation is exacerbated by the prolonged health caregivers’ strike.

More: The Herald
