
Top ZINARA Officials Resign En Masse

Top ZINARA Officials Resign En Masse

The Zimbabwe National Road Administration (ZINARA) has been hit by mass resignations, with at least 12 top executives reported to have resigned.

The resignations have been prompted by alleged interference, endemic corruption, harassment and threats from some board members. A NewsDay source reported:

Quite a number have resigned and it is now an everyday thing. People are frustrated and there is a feeling that things can’t continue like this.

They know that if they are accused of anything, processes are manipulated and they will not win so they are opting out. The situation is bad.

Officials who have allegedly resigned include Simpson Mandizha (administration), Tanyaradzwa Mandisodza (finance), Wilfred Chiroodza, Anyway Mudodo (finance manager), Hazel Tlou (finance tolling) and Daphne Charamba (finance tolling).

Vikani Lulamani (finance tolling) Muthetheleli Mpofu (finance tolling, engineer G Kufa (management), Gift Kanotangudza an ICT manager, Shadreck Matengabadza (audit manager) and company secretary Mathlene Mujokoro are reported to have resigned as well.

More: NewsDay
