
Woman Assaulted By Police Successfully Operated On Fractured Kneecap - Report

Woman Assaulted By Police Successfully Operated On Fractured Kneecap - Report

Doctors from the Zimbabwe Hospitals Doctors Association (ZHDA) said that they successfully carried out an operation on a lady (pictured) on Friday who was assaulted by police.

The lady reportedly fractured her right patella or kneecap (a flat, circular-triangular bone which articulates with the femur (thigh bone) and covers and protects the anterior articular surface of the knee joint) following the assault.

She is said to have been on her way to Nyabira to visit a relative when she was caught in the crossfire when riot police swooped on MDC supporters who were waiting to be addressed by party leader Nelson Chamisa at the party’s headquarters.

The woman is said to be stable after the successful operation. This was revealed by Dr Norman Matara on Twitter. He wrote:

As Zimbabwe Hospitals Doctors Association, we successfully operated this lady yesterday who fractured her right patella after being assaulted by the police whilst en route to visit a relative in Nyabira. The operation was successful and the lady is stable.
