
Mliswa Threatens To Mobilise Mobs To Lynch ZANU PF, MDC MPs

Mliswa Threatens To Mobilise Mobs To Lynch ZANU PF, MDC MPs

An Independent Member of Parliament has warned ZANU PF and MDC Alliance legislators that he will mobilise citizens to storm the parliament building and beat them up.

Temba Mliswa, who represents Norton Constituency, was incensed by the MPs across the political divide’s refusal to cooperate in the August House. He said:

You behave like hooligans and I will end up mobilising Zimbabweans online to come to Parliament to stage a demonstration and beat you all up because you are a waste of resources and taxpayers’ money.

Mliswa’s remarks came as a commotion broke out in Parliament after Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi refused to take a suggestion from Dzivarasekwa MP Edwin Mushoriwa (MDC Alliance) on the Zimbabwe Investment and Development Agency Bill.

Ziyambi demanded that MDC Alliance MPs should first recognise President Emmerson Mnangagwa as the legitimate Head of State before he could consider the suggestion.

More: NewsDay
