
MDC To Mobilise For Spontaneous Protests

MDC To Mobilise For Spontaneous Protests

MDC national organising secretary and Mkoba MP Amos Chibaya said his party is planning to launch spontaneous protests across the country to push President Emmerson Mnangagwa to deal with the political and economic challenges afflicting citizens.

Chibaya made the remarks while addressing scores of party supporters at Mkoba 6 shopping centre in Gweru on Sunday. He said:

We want to say if we tell one person in a village or street to pass the message, that word will spread fast to everyone in the area.

The message will be announcing the date and time for all the people to converge in major public centres for fresh sustained protests. We will no longer just focus on Harare.

We want to have a situation where while in Harare protests are burning, in Chivi, Gweru and other areas similar demonstrations will be happening at the same time.

Chibaya called for Mnangagwa to engage MDC president Nelson Chamisa in dialogue to put to an end the challenges facing the country.

He reiterated his boss’s stance that dialogue should be convened by a neutral convenor and be held at a neutral venue.

More: NewsDay
