
I Blame All This On The Strike That We Faced With Players - de Jongh On iBosso's First Defeat

I Blame All This On The Strike That We Faced With Players - de Jongh On iBosso's First Defeat

The Highlanders’ Gaffer tested his first defeat since he joined the team a couple of weeks ago. Hendrick de Jongh blamed the defeat on his players’ industrial action and said:

We went into the match with no focus and no positional discipline and in football everything starts with focus but we lacked that. I blame all this on the strike that we faced with players. We did not train for three days because the players were protesting against the delayed payment of their November salaries.

What do you expect when the players are demotivated, they don’t focus on the match and we are bound to lose. As a coach and as a team it’s difficult to prepare for a match when you haven’t trained in three days

The Bulawayo giants were floored by Bulawayo Chiefs this afternoon.

More: ZimMorning Post
