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"Shall Be Brought To Book," ED Speaks As Land Commission Of Inquiry Exposes Prominent People

5 years agoSat, 14 Dec 2019 09:28:48 GMT
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"Shall Be Brought To Book," ED Speaks As Land Commission Of Inquiry Exposes Prominent People

The Land Commission of Inquiry report has revealed that the government was prejudiced of about US$3 billion through illegal sales of state land.

The report implicates past and present government officials over massive graft which involves abuse of office and bribery. These include former minister of Local Government, Ignatius Chombo and former minister of Lands and Rural resettlement, Douglas Mombeshora.

The accused are said to have violated urban planning by-laws, sold lands without valuing them and in some cases, intrinsic value for lands was not paid.

Some of the properties in which the accused are implicated include, Stone Ridge farm and Odar Farm in Harare where there are reports of multiple allocations and improper signing of a Deed Settlement were reported.

Other officials implicated include Shadreck Mashayamombe, Ezekiel Karimanzira and Leonard Tarwirei who are also accused of having illegally sold commonage stands to home seekers without authorisation.

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President Emmerson Mnangagwa revealed this Friday at a ZANU PF Annual People’s Conference underway in Goromonzi, Mashonaland East that the report was already in his office and individuals implicated shall be brought to book.

More: ZBC News



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