
"Losing An Election Is Strength Only In Zimbabwe," Jonathan Moyo On Calls For Chamisa To Join POLAD

"Losing An Election Is Strength Only In Zimbabwe," Jonathan Moyo On Calls For Chamisa To Join POLAD

Exiled former Cabinet Minister, Professor Jonathan Moyo has said that it is ridiculous to think that opposition MDC leader, Nelson Chamisa will be weakened by forcing him to join the Political Actors Dialogue (POLAD) forum. Moyo posted on twitter saying:

Losing an election is strength only in Zimbabwe. The idea that the cheated winner can be weakened by being stampeded into joining losers in a coalition of the weak is preposterous!

His remarks come after a Chronicle Editorial urged Chamisa to:

… do the right thing which is to swallow his pride and join 20 other political leaders who are working under the auspices of Polad. That is a strictly local structure to take our country to greater political consensus. 

The article comes after President Emmerson Mnangagwa had said that there will be no other dialogue outside POLAD as Chamisa has been calling for.

Both Mnangagwa and Chamisa have reiterated that dialogue was essential for the transformation of the country but they, however, differ on technicalities.

Chamisa has been demanding for a foreign mediator but discarded the demand only recently. He also wants the dialogue to be out POLAD and also to discuss Mnangagwa’s legitimacy.

ZANU PF is rejecting all the demands.

More: The Chronicle; Jonathan Moyo
