
OPINION FULL TEXT: Dear Khupe You Were Too Quick To Endorse Corruption

OPINION FULL TEXT: Dear Khupe You Were Too Quick To Endorse Corruption

Kennedy Kaitano writing for the Zimbabwean directed the following rather long letter to Thokozani Khupe who he says was too quick to embrace corruption by praising President Mnangagwa a few days ago when they visited his Sherwood farm in Kwekwe as POLAD.

Kennedy opined:

I wasn’t surprise by your praise for President Emmerson Mnangagwa after your visit to his farm where POLAD met recently. I wasn’t surprised because as I have been following your public statements, I have realised you are too gullible. I recall a visit to Chiadzwa you were part of back in 2010, and endorsed the shoddy mining operations there as transparent and above board.

Now you are reported to have said you are deeply humbled by the efforts made by His Excellency President Mnangagwa and promised that you “will continue supporting him”. I think that was too quick to endorse corruption, Madam Dr. Khupe.

Your comments must have been made in appreciation of the productive activities you saw on your President’s farm, including the fish farming that the POLAD group was shown on video being shown by The President. What you didn’t think about is how come the President has such a huge farm when there are a lot of unemployed youths you may need land to work on to earn a living. The land is supposed to be the birthright of every Zimbabwean, but how come it was parcelled only to Zanu PF followers? I couldn’t get land myself because I was supposed to produce a Zanu PF card in order to be allocated land in Mhondoro, and out of principle, I turned down that opportunity. So, the question you need to ask at the next farm visit by POLAD is how come the political big fish have bigger farms than others, and when are you going to partition the farms to ensure that those denied of land during the Mugabe era because of their political affiliation are also allocated farms? That will be a good question for you to ask Dr. Khupe.

The President is also said to have grown his agricultural empire by robbing the white farmers in the area who were made to pay protection fees to President Munangagwa, I am sure you may also want to investigate that before you go too far praise-singing.

Other questions you may want to ask the President at POLAD meetings is why he turns a blind eye when his senior officials victimise and deny food and inputs to innocent Zimbabweans who are of a different political affiliation. President Mnangagwa tells especially the outside world, and foreign reporters that he is all-embracing and his government do not discriminate anyone because of their political affiliation, yet he turns a blind eye to his officials who are publicly seen on camera saying MDC supporters will not receive any food assistance or agricultural inputs. If you were a right-thinking leader, Dr. Khupe, you would have made a lot of noise, at POLAD meetings and in the media, castigating President Mnangagwa for being deceptive to the outside world as outlined here.

Your remarks in praise of Mr. President reminds me of the song by the Bhundu Boys, titled Jekesa Jekanyika in which a character named Jekanyika is accused of ululating when nothing substantive has been achieved, and following even those destined for the wilderness  (“Ho kupururudza, kupururudza ngoma isina kupfumbira, buda pachena” and “Gundamusaira unenge hwiza, unongotevera nevakananga mudondo” respectively). Mr. Mnangagwa and Zanu PF are known as masters of trickery, and you need to really handle with care if you are a serious person.

Foreign currency is being siphoned out under Mr. Mnangagwa’s watch, despite him warning externalisers of foreign currency, causing a list of such persons to be complied and promising that they will all be dealt with – what happened to that threat to crack down on externalisers he said he knew by name? If I may ask you Dr. Khupe, why do you ‘continue supporting” such a hypocrite? Mrs. Chiwenga is in trouble now simply because she fell out of favour with the powerful General. Don’t you think President Mnangagwa receives reports of all foreign currency transactions that are made as he suggested he does know? And why are the funds externalised by Mrs. Chiwenga only surfacing now?

And lastly, Dr. Khupe, why would you support a President who confesses that he is unable to make an attempt to make every Zimbabwean happy. To use his own words, President Mnangagwa is said to have told the POLAD meeting of 22 December 2019 held at his farm in Kwekwe that “It is easy to wish to empower everyone, it is easy to wish that everybody must have comfortable lives; good shelter, access to medicine, food, holidays in Zanzibar and a sizeable amount of money in the bank. I am not against all those things. What I found challenging is to attempt it on everyone”. Educated as you are, Dr. Khupe, you will know what the word attempt means. To attempt, according to my dictionary, is “to make an effort to achieve or complete a difficult task or action”, so, Dr. Khupe, are you really serious when you support a President who tells you in your face, in a formal POLAD meeting, that he will not make an effort to make everyone have comfortable lives; good shelter, access to medicine, food, holidays in Zanzibar and a sizeable amount of money in the bank. If you tell me you will “continue supporting”  such a selfish, selective President, then I will call you the Zimbabwean joker of 2019.

All I can say to you, Dr. Khupe, is Good luck in supporting President Mnangagwa. Hopefully, you will encourage him to remove the sanctions he has imposed on the innocent people of Zimbabwe who are opposed to Zanu PF so that you may end up supporting him for a good reason

Source: The Zimbabwean
