
Rural Shop Owners Feel The Pinch

Rural Shop Owners Feel The Pinch

Shop owners in rural Gutu, in Masvingo province, are struggling to keep their heads above the water as the economic meltdown takes its toll.

The entrepreneurs also have to contend with poor mobile network connectivity which has disrupted the mobile money platform, EcoCash.

Reports indicate that EcoCash transactions can only be conducted from 11 am to 10 pm, forcing shop owners to sell goods on credit risking bad debts.

A depressed shop owner who spoke to said he no longer buys perishable goods for fear of incurring losses. He said:

I do not stock perishables anymore as I might incur a loss, it’s no point purchasing bread which people will not buy. It will go stale, even the Lobel’s delivery truck hardly comes here now.

Zimbabwe is in the midst of economic and social crises characterised by severe cash and fuel as well as erratic electricity supplies. Runaway inflation mirroring the 2008 implosion has further dashed the hopes of millions.

