
Vendors Hoard Roller Meal For Resale At "People's Shops"

Vendors Hoard Roller Meal For Resale At "People's Shops"

Some supermarket employees are working in cahoots with vendors to divert government subsidised roller meal to the parallel market where it is sold for almost double the set price.

A survey by the Chronicle established that a 10 kg bag of roller meal, which is supposed to be sold for $50, is now being sold for up to $80 by vendors at what is now referred to as the “people’s shops”. A vendor who spoke to the publication said:

Through our contacts at the shops, we now know when the roller meal will be delivered and it’s not surprising that we always get it.

We are able to buy many bags because the workers at the retail outlets are also benefiting. We are selling a 10 kg bag for $70 or $80 depending on the demand.

In November this year, Finance and Economic Development Minister, Mthuli Ncube, announced the scrapping of subsidies on mealie-meal and flour in line with his austerity measures.

However, a few days later, President Emmerson Mnangagwa reversed the move, saying he was not consulted when the decision was made.

More: Chronicle
