
Eight Axe-Wielding Men "Brutally" Kill Artisanal Miner At A Supermarket

Eight Axe-Wielding Men "Brutally" Kill Artisanal Miner At A Supermarket

Eight unknown men, armed with axes, reportedly killed a 26-year-old artisanal miner at a Supermarket on New Year’s Day.

Police who are already seized with the matter revealed that the miner, Brilliant Dube was axed as he was getting out of a supermarket in Torwood township.

Midlands provincial police spokesperson Inspector Joel Goko told the Chronicle that Dube who was on police’s wanted list for assault was brutally murdered.

Reports of violence associated with artisanal miners have been increasing over the past twelve months.

Most culprits are the “notorious” machete gangs popularly known as Mashurugwior Al Shabab who have been terrorising members of the public and miners in gold mining towns.

More: The Chronicle
