
'Funds For Cloud Seeding Released But There Are No Clouds To Seed'

'Funds For Cloud Seeding Released But There Are No Clouds To Seed'

The government has released money for cloud seeding to counter the current dry spell, but the atmospheric conditions are not favourable to such an undertaking.

This was said by the Meteorological Services Department (MSD) in response to emailed questions from The Herald on Monday. The department said:

The government released money for cloud seeding and this will be carried out whenever conditions are conducive.

The major challenge is that if the conditions are not conducive, there is nothing that the department can do. For cloud seeding to be carried out, there are certain conditions and thresholds that need to be satisfied.

The MSD however, said that it was too early to declare a drought as this was only possible after the rainfall season.

Zimbabwe is currently experiencing a meteorological drought as it has so far received below-average rainfall since the onset of the rainy season in October 2019.

More: The Herald
