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How Kariba Town Can Be Turned Into A Special Economic Zone - OPINION

5 years agoSat, 11 Jan 2020 16:29:18 GMT
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How Kariba Town Can Be Turned Into A Special Economic Zone - OPINION

Prominent journalist Hopewell Chin’ono says Zimbabwe’s towns can be resurrected and become a hive of activity if they are made Special Economic Zones.

Chin’ono suggests various interventions that can be undertaken to diversify Kariba’s economy and make the lakeside town a success story. Below are his thoughts on modernising Kariba:

We have DEAD towns like Kariba, Kadoma and Marondera.

Instead of coming up with ideas to regenerate these towns and their economies, we have allowed them to rot!

On this thread I will talk about Kariba specifically and how it can be turned around using Special Economic Zone status.

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The biggest fall for many of our towns has been the reliance on one product, and when it fails, the whole town or city chokes.

With Kariba, you can diversify its economy by creating medical tourism as an attraction feeding of traditional tourism where the continent’s rich come.

Having a tourist attraction without adding value to it is pointless in the 21st century.
Tourists want to know why they should come to Kariba and not Lake Victoria in Uganda or Lake Malawi.

Currently, Kariba has very little to offer in terms of added value!
But we can sort that out

There is a lot of spin-offs that can come from Kariba as the Hydro-Electric power plant.

We should build an electricity museum in Kariba for tourists especially the young ones.

We should invest in looking after the animals there and invest the profits in our poor communities!

A country without a ruling class with smart ruling ideas will end up like a Banana republic as we have become!

It is shameful that we have allowed such a beautiful country to become a laughing stock of the world!

Zimbabwe has become the sick man of the world
Let us do better.

More: @daddyhope



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