
Police Ban "Machetes, Knives And Axes" To "Restore Sanity"

Police Ban "Machetes, Knives And Axes" To "Restore Sanity"

Zimbabwe Republic Police has banned machetes, knives and axes in the machete gang-infested Midlands as a way to restore order.

The ban comes after reports have suggested that the machete-wielding gangs known as Mashurugwi have been beating, killing and sexually abusing gold miners and civilians, particularly in gold mining towns.

The ban was announced by Midlands police spokesperson Inspector Joel Goko who told the Daily News this Saturday that the ban which is expected to last for three-months will be with effect from January 14. He said:

The prohibition order which we seek to renew after every three months makes it illegal to carry dangerous weapons like machetes that can be used in the commission of crimes.

Those who fail to heed the call will be punished through being sent to jail for six months or instructed to pay a fine that doesn’t exceed level five.

Goko also told Daily News that gold-rich areas such as Chirumanzu, Gokwe North, Gokwe South, Gweru, Kwekwe, Mberengwa, Shurugwi and Zvishavane are the ones targeted by the ban.

Analysts have been saying that the machete gangs were enjoying impunity because they are highly connected.

More: Daily News On Sunday
