
Marry Rejects Chiwenga's Out Of Court Settlement Offer, Wants The Courts To Settle The Matter

Marry Rejects Chiwenga's Out Of Court Settlement Offer, Wants The Courts To Settle The Matter

Acting President Chiwenga is reportedly in a fix after his estranged wife rejected an out of court settlement in favour of letting the court settle the issues between them, Zim Morning Post reports.

According to a source close to Marry Chiwenga‘s defence council:

Marry is in a no nonsense mood and would want the matter to be settled in court.

The applicant is the one who brought the issue to the courts so there is no need for it to be settled out of courts

What has now changed that the applicant feels the issue can be resolved without the courts? He (Chiwenga) was ill-advised and Marry is only playing her part as the respondent.

Unless something major happens this morning (Monday), Marry has since last Friday indicated to her defence counsel that she will not accept an out of court settlement

The former power couple is embroiled in a divorce case that has seen witchcraft allegations being thrown around as the VP defends taking Marry’s children from her. 

More: Zim Morning Post

