
State Withdraws Case Against Guvamombe Which Involved Kasukuwere And Supa Mandiwanzira

State Withdraws Case Against Guvamombe Which Involved Kasukuwere And Supa Mandiwanzira

The State has withdrawn the case against the suspended Chief Magistrate Mishrod Guvamombe in which he was being accused of abusing office.

Guvamombe was suspended after he had allegedly recommended former Cabinet Ministers, Saviour Kasukuwere and Supa Mandiwanzira for attachment at the Harare magistrates court where they had pending criminal cases.

The Chief Magistrate was also being accused of having directed a subordinate, Elijah Makomo, to disqualify himself in a trial involving his alleged business partner’s son.

He is said to have issued the directive so as to influence the outcome of the case.

The State led by Constance Ngombengombe withdrew charges against Guvamombe before magistrate Amos Mubobo before plea saying that it will summon Guvamombe back when it has put its house in order.

More: The Herald
