
Zimbabwe Junior Doctors Finally Accept Strive Masiyiwa's $100M Offer

Zimbabwe Junior Doctors Finally Accept Strive Masiyiwa's $100M Offer

Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors Association (ZHDA) which represents middle-level and junior doctors has announced that it has accepted the ZWL$100 million offer that was tabled in November by Econet Wireless founder, Dr Strive Masiyiwa.

Masiyiwa also offered a Training Fellowship for Junior and Senior Resident Medical Officers employed at Public Healthcare institutions of Zimbabwe.

In a statement, ZHDA said:

In light of the recent development, the ZHDA wants to  extend its gratitude to the Higherlife Foundation for extending its offer once again to all government doctors. The ZHDA is encouraging its entire membership to go and apply for the training fellowship before the stipulated deadline.

The development comes when the health sector in the country is on its knees as health caregivers at public institutions are on industrial action which started in September last year.

Doctors initially rejected the offer calling upon the government to provide a sustainable solution to revive the health sector that has been in a parlous state for decades now.

Masiyiwa’s deal will see doctors pocketing ZW$5000 every month, a smartphone, a VAYA taxi ride from home, uniforms and diagnostic aids.

More: Health Times

