
LIST: War Vets' Demands

LIST: War Vets' Demands

War Veterans have made the following demands during the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Defence, Home Affairs and Security Services public hearing at Entumbane Community Hall in Bulawayo on the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Bill, CITE reports.

Here is a list of the demands they made at the public hearings:

  1. The government should foot the bill of their members who will seek decent medical care in private hospitals outside the country with the assistance of the Ministry of Defence.
  2. Government ministries must employ 10-20% of their children with degrees.
  3. Their members to also access medical care locally, given free access in private hospitals.
  4. Decent accommodation in growth points and urban areas,
  5. Pensions above the poverty datum line or at par with the least paid civil servant
  6. Free education for their children and war veterans who wish to study,
  7. Free legal representation
  8. Medals for Zipra combatants.
  9. Diplomatic passports
  10. Duty exemption at border posts
  11. 60 % of land to be distributed should be set aside for them

More: CITE
