
Tugwi-Mukosi To Be Awarded Lake Status

Tugwi-Mukosi To Be Awarded Lake Status

Masvingo reservoir Tugwi Mukosi has been gazetted as a recreational facility and will be awarded a Lake status soon, The Herald reports.

According to the publication, the name change is expected to spike the development of tourism which will benefit surrounding communities.

Speaking to the publication, ZimParks Spokesperson Tinashe Farawo said:

We understand that the process to gazette the dam (Tugwi-Mukosi) as a recreational facility is already underway and once that happens it will become Lake Tugwi-Mukosi just like other bigger national dams in the country. 

That process (gazetting as a recreational facility) will undoubtedly lead to development of tourism projects at the dam because currently it is still under full control of Zinwa.

According to Mr Farawo, after the dam has been gazzated as a lake, a proposed game park around Tugwi-Mukosi will start.

More: The Herald 
