
MDC Rural Nightmares Continue As ZANU PF Wins Mwenezi West By-Election

MDC Rural Nightmares Continue As ZANU PF Wins Mwenezi West By-Election

The opposition MDC is finding it difficult to penetrate the rural vote which political analysts say the party desperately needs to dislodge ZANU PF from power.

Results from by-elections held this weekend highlight that the MDC has to work extremely hard for it to win elections in the rural areas.  Unfortunately for the MDC, the ruling ZANU PF loses marginally in urban areas, an MDC stronghold, and wins overwhelmingly in rural areas.

Below are the results from this weekend’s by-elections.


  • MDC-A –  1517
  • ZANU PF – 718
  • ANC – 12

Mwenezi West:

  • ZANU PF 1811
  • MDC – 27

The MDC has since made an admission that it has not been doing much to secure the rural vote and launching the party’s Agenda 2020, Nelson Chamisa announced that from this year forward, the party visibility and activities in the rural areas shall be increased.

His remarks were supported by MDC Harare province chairperson Wellington Chikombo who said that the party shall not continue to complain about vote-buying, but, would also employ the same modus operandi used by ZANU PF. He said:

It is no longer time for us to remain complaining about Zanu PF. Zanu PF has been using food aid and farming inputs to gain political mileage, especially in rural areas… If they are giving farming inputs, the MDC will be doing the same also.

It is not known how the MDC will implement that considering that ZANU PF wields immense influence on traditional leaders who are usually used to distribute goods and services to the people.

More: Nick Mangwana
