
Police Issue Contradicting Reports On Community Service Of Local Businessman

Police Issue Contradicting Reports On Community Service Of Local Businessman

The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission is reportedly investigating whether Harare businessman, Tonny Sarpo, conducted his community service or not after the police reportedly issued two contradicting reports over the matter.

The Herald reports that Sarpo had been given the community service as an alternative to imprisonment for vehicle theft.

The police alleged in the first report that Sarpo had not reported for community service, while the second report said he had reported, but giving some work dates that fell on weekends.

Sarpo was supposed to perform his community service at Morris Depot but when monitoring officers from the Department of Community Service visited the Depot in January, they were told that Sarpo had never performed community service since his sentence in December last year.

The Harare Magistrates’ Court issued a warrant of arrest against Sarpo following a letter by the director of community service in the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Ms Loice Majonga.

In response to the warrant, police said that Sarpo was performing community service at the depot workshop and submitted signed roster sheets which showed that Sarpo performed unpaid work even on weekends against court directive for him to perform the service during week days.

More: The Herald
