
Sikhala Speaks On Being Followed Constantly By State Security Agents

Sikhala Speaks On Being Followed Constantly By State Security Agents

MDC vice-chairperson Job Sikhala revealed that he is constantly being followed by State agents wherever he goes. Sikhala narrated to Daily News reporter Blessings Mashayatwo incidents that happened within three days of each other soon after he was acquited of a treason charge by Masvingo High Court judge, Justice Garainesu Mawadze. He said:

After my acquittal on the 14th of February, State security agents came at OK Supermarket where we were buying groceries for my school children whom I was to visit on the 15th.

I did not come out of my car, but they asked which car I was in from some people who were around.

When my security details got it, they confronted them and they rushed to their car and drove away.

When we left on our way to my village in Gutu, they trailed us and by the time we arrived at Nyika they came and parked right next to my vehicle at the Highway Shops.

When we left to go home they followed us along the dust mountainous road to my village and it was now at night around 9 pm. Unbeknown to them we had two cars with more than 30 people.

When we resolved to stop our vehicles in the bush to confront them after switching off the lights, they made a U-turn and sped off.

I did not stay in Harare as soon as I arrived on Sunday from the village. I had a court case to dispose of in Karoi.
The matter was a trial which was due for a long time, as I was not able to attend to it, because of the exigencies of the treason trial.

When they found out that I was at Karoi Magistrates Court, they deployed all the CIOs and members from the military intelligence in Mashonaland West.

I did not care and went on to cross-examine the witness the whole day on Wednesday. When we decided to leave after we postponed the matter to another day for other witnesses to come, they trailed us all the way from Karoi to my house in Harare.

When they flagged my driver to stop between Zvimba and Norton I wanted us to stop and hear what their problem was but my driver refused to stop.

In short, what I am saying is that there is no private life for me anymore. No more luxury of meeting with friends in places of leisure. I am the riskiest person to be seen in my company at the moment.

So my friends should not think I am ignoring them. I am rather saving them from harassment because of their association with me.

Allow me to finish this fight against them without my associates becoming collateral damage.

But let it be known to them, that if anything happens to me, Masvingo should have been a clear warning to them.

Zimbabwe will be reduced to ruins. The whole country will need reconstruction for years because I know what is in the minds of the people.

Any attempt to terminate my life will result in unprecedented instability that will result in a serious bloodbath and that will be the end of this evil regime.

You will never hear from them again. That will be their end. And this I know it for a fact.

Let them continue doing their funny tricks and see the end result.

More: Daily News
