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ZANU PF Linked Youth Group Abandons Plans To Storm MDC Leaders' Homes

5 years agoMon, 02 Mar 2020 09:05:58 GMT
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ZANU PF Linked Youth Group Abandons Plans To Storm MDC Leaders' Homes

A ZANU PF-linked pressure group, Concerned Citizens Forum has abandoned its plans to doorstep MDC president Nelson Chamisa and other party officials, saying it is avoiding being used in the party’s factional wars.

The Forum had threatened to storm Chamisa, his deputy Tendai Biti and vice-chairperson Job Sikhala‘s homes, accusing them of causing citizens’ suffering by allegedly calling for sanctions from Western countries.

Concerned Citizens Forum spokesperson, Taurai Kandishaya said MDC politicians wanted to use them as pawns to fight their factional wars. He said:

We have stopped the citizens from going as we discovered that MDC politicians wanted to take advantage of the programme and perpetrate violence. The citizens are not stupid and we realised that MDC wanted to involve us in their factional fights.

Our plan is not a demonstration but we are saying to these politicians that they have called for sanctions to remain and as such, we want them to feed us, provide us with accommodation and pay school fees because they are the ones that are receiving the funds that Zimbabwe was supposed to get.

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Meanwhile, a commotion erupted in St Mary’s Chitungwiza on Saturday when suspected MDC supporters were involved in running battles with police. 11 people were arrested during the skirmishes and are expected to appear in court this Monday.




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