
Parliament Passes The Freedom Of Information Bill

Parliament Passes The Freedom Of Information Bill

The Parliament of Zimbabwe has passed the Freedom of Information Bill which is the centrepiece of three proposed laws that will repeal the strongly opposed Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA).

The Bill, according to The Herald got overwhelming support from legislators from all parties including the opposition MDC led by advocate Nelson Chamisa.

The Bill seeks to give effect to Section 62 of the Constitution which provides for the right to access to information as enshrined in the Declaration of Rights.

Speaking on behalf of the Portfolio Committee on Information, Media and Broadcasting Services following the passage of the Bill, Mbizo legislator Mr Settlement Chikwinya (MDC-Alliance) said that he was impressed with the “inclusive” process.

Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi thanked all members for working together adding that he wished “this culture is continued when we are producing more Bills in future.”

Zanu PF representative for Makonde, Kindness Paradza, said he was happy that AIPPA would be repealed as he was once hounded out of the party after he castigated the Act in 2003.

The Bill, after its passage, was referred to the Parliamentary Legal Committee and will be transmitted to the Senate thereafter.

More: The Herald
