
WATCH: South African White Lady Criticised For Racism After Teaching Black Helpers How To Wash Their Hands

WATCH: South African White Lady Criticised For Racism After Teaching Black Helpers How To Wash Their Hands

A video of a South African white lady teaching black helpers how to wash their hands has generated anger, with some viewers considering the woman’s actions racism.

The lady and some white men, who are members of the community can be seen defending the woman’s actions. The woman claims that there is nothing wrong with her actions as she is helping to educate people on ways to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

The video was posted on Twitter by Lesego Tlhabi who captioned it with the words; “I don’t know which part of the video makes me angrier

Yoooo [expletive]! “In Illovo, the workers who live on the 5th floor were commanded to come to be taught how to be hygienic. This was in full display of all residents of the block who were invited to watch from their balconies.
Here are some of the reactions to the apparent racist act:
Lord Bae-less: The people who are paid to be cleaners being taught how to be clean by people they clean after. To whom does this make any sense? Someone illuminate me.
Vaseline Dion: Livid isn’t enough to describe how angry this makes me. I want her arrested.
Kenny Chiyangwa (Responding to Vaseline Dion): Arrested for what … trying to save lives ?? Most people do not know how to wash their hands properly and miss critical parts. Mark my words, you will wish that there were more people like her that tried to help the nation when you see the infection numbers at the end of April.
Cash: White supremacy, the ideology is based on the belief that Africans are perpetual children who are not intelligent enough to think rationally & look after themselves; “So they need supervision & teaching of the baas (whites) to survive”.
Nini: How are you teaching a domestic worker how to wash their hands????? They know more about cleanliness than you…. honestly I’m disgusted by white privilege and ignorance.
Watch the video below:
