
ZRP Issue A Stern Warning To Shebeen Operators

ZRP Issue A Stern Warning To Shebeen Operators

The Zimbabwe Republic Police has issued a stern warning to Shebeen operators after it emerged that people are planning to set up shebeens in Harare and Bulawayo during the lockdown, The Herald reports.

Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi spoke to The Herald about the lockdown and communicated the department’s message. Said the ZRP spokesperson:

…However, we have received information that some people are planning to set up shebeens in the country’s two major cities. Those people are warned against breaching the lockdown directive and they risk being arrested.

Meanwhile, The Chronicle reported that shebeens mushroomed in Bulawayo after public gatherings and sporting activities were banned and they were in full swing on Sunday, a day before the lockdown started.

More: The Herald 
