
Police Assault Freelance Journalist In Kuwadzana

Police Assault Freelance Journalist In Kuwadzana

Media watchdog, MISA Zimbabwe has said a freelance journalist Terence Sipuma was on 11 April 2020 reportedly assaulted by members of the police and the army in Harare while conducting his duties.

Sipuma was stopped by the security officers at the Kuwadzana roundabout in Harare while on his way to Chegutu to report on Zimbabwe’s 21-day COVID-19 lockdown. He said:

They asked where I was going and the moment I showed them my journalism I.D. (accreditation) card, I was asked to lie down (on the ground) and was beaten being accused of exposing them.

They took my phone and as they were searching through the phone they promised me that they were going to do more if I had videos or pictures of that operation.

Sipuma told MISA Zimbabwe that he was released after about 15 minutes.

MISA Zimbabwe has called on the police and the Zimbabwe Media Commission to urgently investigate cases involving the continued assaults and harassment of journalists and bring the culprits to book.

More: MISA Zimbabwe
