
Fake Coronavirus Testing Kits Flood Zimbabwe Markets

Fake Coronavirus Testing Kits Flood Zimbabwe Markets

Fake coronavirus testing kits are reportedly being sold on the streets of Zimbabwe on behalf of Chinese nationals who allegedly manufactured them.

Zim Morning Post reports that the Chinese are locally manufacturing face masks which are being sold at a price of US$1.50 each.

Sources who spoke to Zim Morning Post said that it was not known whether the face masks met the minimum requirements by the Ministry of Health and Child Care or not. They added:

The test kits are said to give results within five minutes.

Zimbabwe has been a destination for goods and services including medicines and food thereby putting the unsuspecting general populace at a huge risk.

This is mainly because of the poverty in the country which pushes the citizenry to go for often cheaper fake goods.

The reports also raise fears after the Ministry of Health and Child Care recently announced that it had identified some defective coronavirus testing kits.

More: Zim Morning Post
