
MDC Alliance Is A Political Party, It Has Its Own Constitution - Hwende

MDC Alliance Is A Political Party, It Has Its Own Constitution - Hwende

The MDC Secretary-General Charlton Hwende has spoken about the MDC Alliance as an individual party divorced from MDC T which is at the centre of a debate that was further fueled by the high court ruling that ruled that Chamisa was an illegitimate MDC president.

Hwende said the MDC was an independent party that was formed in 2018 and it has its own constitution. Writing on Twitter Hwende said:

The MDC Alliance is a political Party formed just before the 2018 elections it has a leadership and a Constitution. We have MPs and Cllrs and structures through out the country. I used to be a Deputy Treasurer in MDC T led by President Tsvangirai but I am now with MDC Alliance.

Source: Twitter 
