
"Suspected COVID-19 Patient Dies, Spends Night In Wheelchair At The Veranda At Trauma Centre," - Report

"Suspected COVID-19 Patient Dies, Spends Night In Wheelchair At The Veranda At Trauma Centre," - Report

Team Pachedu has claimed that a suspected coronavirus patient who was admitted at Trauma Centre in Borrowdale died and spent all night in a wheelchair at the veranda.

Posting on Twitter, Team Pachedu, an opposition political activism online group, said:

Trauma Center is treating suspected COVID-19 patients and are even charging US$200 just for protective clothing. A pneumonia patient who has travel history died soon after being attended to and then spent the whole night on a wheelchair at the veranda.
This comes amid unconfirmed reports that the institution was running parallel tests for the coronavirus pandemic when only state health institutions are the officially designated institutions for infectious diseases.
The alleged incident was condemned by Frontlineaids’ Director of Evidence, Influence and Innovation Lois Chingandu who is also the former Executive Director of SAFAIDS. She said:
This is a shame. The lack of dignity for the dead. Does MOH count these people.
Health experts advise that an individual who would have tested positive for coronavirus has to be buried within 24 hours of their death so as to minimise the spread of the deadly virus.
