
Harare City Council Demolish Roadside Vending Stalls During The Lockdown

Harare City Council Demolish Roadside Vending Stalls During The Lockdown

The Harare City Council has used the veil provided by the lockdown to demolish roadside vending stall in some parts of the Sunshine City, New Zimbabwe reports.

The City fathers have reportedly demolished stalls in Mbare and Chishawasha so far and notified the public that those that are affected will be accommodated elsewhere on social media in a post that said:

Vendors at the site will be accommodated inside the barricaded until construction of the shopping complex commences

The demolition which comes a day before the 21 days lockdown ends is also coming at a time the Zimbabwean economy has become so informal with many urbanites surviving on vending.

More: New Zimbabwe
