
Fake Lockdown Enforcing Police Rob Businessman Of US$59 000

Fake Lockdown Enforcing Police Rob Businessman Of US$59 000

A gang of robbers pretending to be police officers enforcing the national lockdown on Monday appeared before magistrate Mr Richard Ramaboa who charged them with robbery after robbing a Harare businessman, Luke Kwezera, of US$59 000.

Prosecutors Messrs Hatizivo Chatikobo and Norman Karopi allege that Simba Kanyepi, who works for and stays with the victim, connived with Hemish Chagadama and Shingai Mazviwanza to commit the robbery on 24 April.

Kanyepi texted his colleagues telling them that Kwezera was carrying the money to a car sales in Newlands. The gang followed him and blocked him at the intersection of Sam Nujoma Street and Robert Mugabe Road when he was going back home.

Clad in police uniform, they approached Kwezera and asked for his travel permit to before handcuffing him.

Other gang members, still at large, arrived in a Mercedes Benz, took the money and Kwezera’s 3 cellphones and vanished.

Others said they would take Kwezera and Kanyepi to Rhodesville Police Station saying only to dump them at the roundabout at the intersection of Mutare Road and Harare Drive.

Chagadama and Mazviwanza’s vehicles bought two days are held by police as exhibits.

Magistrate Ramaboa freed the trio on $5 000 bail each and ordered it to report to the police daily pending their next court appearance on May 27.

