
ZANU PF Youth League Donates Hand Sanitisers

ZANU PF Youth League Donates Hand Sanitisers

ZANU PF Youth League in Matebeleland South Province has donated 280 litres of hand sanitisers to the province, a development that will see each district in that province receiving 40 litres of the sanitisers.

The handover of the sanitiners to Matabeleland South Provincial Affairs Minister, Abednico Ncubeto was made on Wednesday by the league’s provincial youth chairman, Washington Nkomo.

Handing over the donation, Nkomo said that the gesture was motivated by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s emphasis on the importance of practising hygiene as one of the measures to curb the spread of Covid-19. H added:

As the Zanu-PF Matabeleland South Youth League we realised that we had a role to play considering that some people don’t have access to the hand sanitisers.

We then saw if fit that we mobilise these hand sanitisers which we are handing over to the province.

We are working on mobilising face masks and as soon as they are ready, we will hand them over to the province as well.

Abednico Ncube applauded them for taking an active role in fighting Covid-19. He urged other stakeholders to help in any means possible to stop the pandemic which “doesn’t care about colour, race, tribe or political affiliation.”

More: The Chronicle
