
MDC Alliance Abducted Activists Still Traumatised To Speak To The Police - Report

MDC Alliance Abducted Activists Still Traumatised To Speak To The Police - Report

MDC Activists who were abducted and tortured and dumped in Bindura are still traumatised to speak to the police to narrate their ordeal according to their doctors, The Standard reports.

This was revealed by  Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights Norman Matara who said:

We are working with the police,” Matara said. “I cannot disclose anything about the extent of injury on the ladies because they are still not physically and emotionally fit to give a statement to the police

Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights’ Jeremiah Bhamu who is representing the ladies also said they will know the next step after the ladies have recovered:

I will know of the next course of action once the three are in a stable condition, But first, we want to know the truth about what happened to them. There are already indications that the police are compromised.

Bhamu also expressed serious concerns about the way ZRP handled the case:

Hoping them to be fair would be asking for too much from them. Some of them might want, but there might be superior forces blocking them from acting impartially.

More: The Standard
