
Justice Mayor Wadyajena's Vehicle Reportedly Impounded

Justice Mayor Wadyajena's Vehicle Reportedly Impounded

A vehicle belonging to a company owned by ZANU PF politburo member and Gokwe-Nembudziya Member of Parliament Justice Mayor Wadyajena has reportedly been impounded.

Reports suggest that the vehicle was impounded after the driver was found conducting illegal mining of sand which is a level eight offence.

This comes after a report by the Environment Management Agency (EMA) has suggested that at least 10 percent of the nation’s soil is under high risk of erosion from land degradation, desertification, and drought.

An inspector with EMA, Mr Gilbert Mugunzva, previously said that the mining of sand from dams affect dams’ infrastructure and that is a threat to people downstream who will be affected if the wall collapses.

More: Byo24
