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OpenGovt Responds To Reports Saying Vehicles Are Being Banned From Entering Harare CBD
4 years agoTue, 02 Jun 2020 08:30:28 GMT
The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Nick Mangwana has said that the government has not pronounced a change to lockdown regulations.
His remarks come amid reports that state security forces enforcing the lockdown were turning away vehicles intending to get into Harare Central Business District (CBD).
Reports suggest that “some people deemed to offer essential services” were however able to get through these roadblocks into the city.
In a tweet responding to these reports, Mangwana said:
Govt has not pronounced a change in Lockdown Regulations. We are still on Level 2 lockdown and permitted economic activity should go ahead.@PoliceZimbabwe are only enforcing the pronounced and gazetted Level 2 conditions.
Responding to Mangagwa, Advocate Gashirai said:
Mr Nick I was told to go back by Constable E. Mukarati along seke road after producing my Practicing certificate he advised that only medical personnel, civil servants n specifically police n military personnel are meant to get into town n lawyers are not.
Gashira’s response is in resonance with a number of reports we received this morning which suggested that entry points into the city, particularly Seke road were blocked.
More: Nick Mangwana