
"Bribe-taking" Junior Cop Accuses Boss Of Attempted Rape

"Bribe-taking" Junior Cop Accuses Boss Of Attempted Rape

A junior female police officer has filed a report of attempted rape against a senior male officer who she allegedly assaulted in Norton on Saturday.

The senior officer, Chief Superintendent Johannes Govo, based at Police General Headquarters, had tried to apprehend Constable Melody Tsikayi for receiving a bribe at a roadblock in Norton when the alleged assault and attempted rape took place.

A leaked memo indicated that Govo had to seek medical treatment for the injuries he sustained at the hands of his junior. The memo reads:

On May 29, 2020, at around 1700hrs and at 39km peg along Harare-Bulawayo Road opposite Karina Service Station, Norton, Chief Superintendent Govo, who was in civilian clothes, was driving past a roadblock mounted by ZRP Norton Urban members led by Sergeant Masiya and four other members, including the accused.

He disembarked from his vehicle and walked towards the roadblock site. The accused then assaulted the complainant several times on the face and head. Sergeant Masiya went into the bush after he heard a shout for help and restrained the two who were manhandling each other, that is when he realised that the two were Constable Tsikayi and Chief Superintendent Govo.

The complainant (Govo) was then referred for medical examination. Investigations are in progress. Constable Tsikayi also made a report of attempted rape against Chief Superintendent Govo alleging that she had gone to the bush to relieve herself and was surprised when she was grabbed from behind and dragged to a secluded place where he attempted to rape her, Norton RRB 4419436 refers.

More: NewsDay
