Former Cabinet Minister Saviour Kasukuwere has approached the sheriff to help him evict Mazowe District War Vets leader Efanos Mudzimunyi who is occupying his farm and harvesting his oranges, The Anchor reports.
Kasukuwere won the case against Mudzimunyi when High Court Judge Justice Mushore restored Kasukuwere’s possession, use and occupation of Concorpia Farm in Mazowe.
However, the war vet in clear defiance of the court order barring him from interfering with activities at the farm was harvesting and selling the oranges at the farm prompting Kasukuwere to seek the Sheriff’s help to evict Mudzimunyi.
Kasukuwere’s lawyer Mhishi Nkomo Legal Practice has reportedly instructed the Sheriff to serve the order on the respondents:
Please explain to all the illegal occupants the net effect of the court order and direct them to leave. We look forward to receiving the return of service soon
More: The Anchor