
Parliamentarians Demand Cars, Fuel And Stands

Parliamentarians Demand Cars, Fuel And Stands

Outspoken independent legislator Temba Mliswa (Norton) said Members of Parliament should be treated with respect as the institution (parliament) is one of the three pillars of the State.

Speaking in parliament on Tuesday, Mliswa demanded that parliamentarians should be allocated cars, fuel and residential stands since Cabinet Ministers were also “eating”. Said Mliswa:

… you (Cabinet Ministers) are well taken care of, murikudya anababa asi vana havasi kudya (you are living pretty while we suffer). So what kind of a country is this?

We must also be given fuel where you get fuel because one day you will come to find there is no single Member of Parliament who will be here.

We are asking that you take this matter seriously. We are given fuel coupons but there is no fuel. So, why are given those coupons?

Legislators have been making a number of demands over the years, among which are; gym equipment, all-terrain vehicles, three-course meals, duty-free certificates and diplomatic passports.

