
Chakwera Sworn In As Malawi President

Chakwera Sworn In As Malawi President

Lazarus Chakwera has been sworn in as president of Malawi after winning a historic election rerun.

Chakwera, 65, secured 58.57 per cent of Tuesday’s vote, beating the incumbent Peter Mutharika, 79.

Saulos Chilima, Chakwera’s running mate, was also sworn in as vice-president at a ceremony in the capital, Lilongwe.

Chakwera, a Pentecostal preacher and former theology lecturer pledged to unite the country and fight poverty and be a leader rather than a ruler. He said in his victory speech:

Time has come for us to go beyond dreaming, the time has come for us to wake up, to arise from slumber, and to make our dreams come true.

With your help we will restore faith in having a government that serves; not a government that rules, a government that inspires, not a government that infuriates, a government that listens, not a government that shouts but a government that fights for you and not against you.

Chakwera swept to victory on the back of a nine-party coalition, the Tonse Alliance, and had the backing of former President Joyce Banda as well Chilima, who served as deputy to Mutharika.

Mutharika did not attend the ceremony because the law does not require the outgoing president to be present when a successor takes the oath of office.

More: BBC News
